10 Recycled Materials Turned Decorative Designs

Climate change and global warming are real – and they are not going anywhere. The only way to cope to the changes that Earth is currently experiencing is through adapting and using our resources in the best possible way.

Here at Persquare, we promote sustainable lifestyle that can help us preserve the Earth that we live in today. Begin your environmental journey right at your home by doing DIY decorative designs using recyclable materials. Below are some of the easiest yet the most eco-friendly designs that you should definitely do.

1. Egg carton lamp

Egg carton lamp
Source: http://www.architectureartdesigns.com/20-creative-diy-egg-carton-ideas/

Don’t throw away those egg cartons! You can use those to create an ultra stylish lamp! First, cut out individual shells, and insert small light bulbs in each. You can also spray paint it the exterior so that it can match your house’s theme.

2. Wine cork frame

Wine Cork frame
Source: http://www.wineenthusiast.com/wine-cork-picture-frame-kit-(5×7-photo).asp

Those endless nights of drinking wine with friends can probably be in good use. Gather those wine corks, find a carton that will serve as your pattern and paste those classy wine corks as the frame. Voila! Have an instant frame without shelling out money.

3. Newspaper lamp

newspaper lamp
Source: https://www.etsy.com/listing/72959615/the-manhasset-mixed-book-page-pendant

Got too many newspapers in your household? Then don’t worry, you can use it to create a stunning lamp. Use a pattern so you can perfectly create the shape of lamp that you’ve been dying to have. Put a light bulb inside and there you have it! This lamp will add a rustic vibe to your home.

4. Light bulb vase

lightbulb vase
Source: http://www.weddingsbylilly.com/wedding-flowers/light-bulb-vases-how-to/

Remove the metallic stuff that are inside the light bulb. Put water and your chosen plant or flower. Put wires around it so that you can hang it on walls or simply put it in your study table to help you get inspired.

5. Bicycle clock

bicycle clock
Source: http://theartofthers.blogspot.com.es/2010_11_01_archive.html

Add spunk to your house by having a large and ultra creative clock in it! Grab your old bike’s tire and put the motor of a clock behind it. This cute yet super stylish clock will make your visitors curious when they see it!

6. Window as a decorative piece

Window as decorative piece
Source: https://miraquechori.wordpress.com/2013/06/10/reciclar-puertas-y-ventanas-antiguas/

Do you have an extra window pane hanging around the house or the backyard? Put that piece to good use by using it as an ingenious decorative piece! Who needs the usual mirror when you can have the ultra chic window pane where you can look at your everyday #OOTD? It also adds a certain charm to your home.

7. Plastic bottles and plant pots

plastic bottles
Source: http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2013/02/urban-vertical-garden-built-from-hundreds-of-recycled-soda-bottles/

We all know how hard and how long it takes for a plastic to decompose. That’s why it’s for the best if we re-use plastic. One of the most used plastic are plastic bottles. Make use of those extras by turning them into effective plant plots.

8. Rubber tiers

rubber tires
Source: http://www.hometalk.com/post/166172/media?id=65030

Rubber is also a hard material that takes too long to decompose. You can reuse rubber tires for gardening too. Paint it as colorful as you want and it will surely add vibrancy to your whole garden.

9. Mandalas made from vinyls

mandala vinyl
Source: http://www.boredpanda.com/category/diy/

Who doesn’t love  Mandalas? Your living room will surely bloom with these lovely patterns. Achieve this decoration by using old and unused vinyl. Search mandala patterns from the internet and copy them. Fill it up with color. Not only are you beautifying your home, but you’re also calming your nerves by doing this exercise.

10. Unused pipes

Unused recycled Pipes for the toiler paper
Source: http://www.diyncrafts.com/11594/organization/50-decorative-rustic-storage-projects-for-a-beautifully-organized-home/3

Looking for a way to spice up your bathroom? Then get those unused pipes and make it a tissue roller. Install it in your bathroom. Guests will surely be in awe by your creativity.

Use your imagination and turn those wastes into wonderful parts of your home. Creativity and productivity may be the key in helping the Mother Earth recover.