Fireplace in the Philippines? Top Design Tips to Make This Happen

Cozy and warm, fireplaces are a must have to locations that experience cold climate – something that the Philippines does not have. As a tropical country, the Philippines is known for turning the air conditioner high and on obsessing over the electric fans. But during the rainy season it’s hard not to wonder if fireplaces is possible in the Philippines.

Yes, it’s possible. Houses and rental establishments in locations that experience a cooler climate already have their own fireplaces. The only problem left is how to make the fireplace look un-tacky in this always sunshine tropical paradise of a country.

The answer in making a fireplace look like it truly belongs to a country like ours is to keep things simple. Avoid the overly saturated all brown, all wood design and go for a minimalist look. Below are some tips in creating the perfect fireplace in a tropical location.

1. Keep it subtle

Minimalist fireplace

The rule of thumb: don’t make your fireplace too grand. Keep it light and simple. Choose an installation in pristine white color to avoid distraction from the other designs in your home.

2. Put it in your kitchen

Fireplace in the kitchen

If you feel a bit icky in putting the fireplace in your living room, why don’t you put it in your kitchen. The kitchen is known for being a warm and cozy place filled with smells of Mom’s good food. A classic brick and stone fireplace will level up the homey vibe of your kitchen.

3. A cool gray backdrop

Gray fireplace

Gray is a cool color that knows how to keep things crisp and stylish. Add class to the fire of your hearth by adding a ceiling to floor background to your fireplace.

4. Opt for a contemporary design

Contemporary fireplace

For a modern spin, choose a streamlined and linear fireplace. This will make the design of the living room feel natural  and youthful.

5. The great divider

Fireplace as a divider

Make the fireplace a divider between the living room and the kitchen. Put it in the corner between the two points of the house to make the space look asymmetrical and more spacious.

6. Surround it with plants

Fireplace surrounded with plants

Add a little bit of green into the mix and your fireplace will absolutely belong in this tropical country. A simple pot of plants can surely add character to your hearth.

7. Arrange art on top

Fireplace with art

Nothing says quirky than a collection of fun and relaxing art on top of fireplace. Putting art above the fireplace takes the attention away from it making it a strong yet subtle design piece in your home.

8. Use it for other purposes

Add trinkets inside a fireplace

If your use your fireplace irregularly, maybe it’s time to find another use for it. Install pictures or statement pieces in your fireplace to make use of the vacant space.

9. Fake it ’till you make it

Wood inside a fireplace

But what if you really don’t want to use the fireplace? You just want to add it as a design to your home? If this is the case, then simply put some wood stock inside the hearth for a cozy and relaxing vibe.