10 Closet Life Hacks That You Must Know

Here’s a classic problem: you have too many clothes, shoes, and accessories that it no longer fits your dear poor closet. It’s a problem that everyone have, especially those who have closets that are bit too small.

Trying to fit your things in a small closet is not an impossibility. The road in closet supremacy is through organizing. Yes, organizing. Making sure that your stuff are all properly managed and stored is key in fitting all your things into that nasty closet. And of course, sprinkling it with a dash of creativity wouldn’t hurt too.

To further help you with your dilemma, we picked out the most creative closets in small spaces.

1. Use rolling racks instead of the usual cabinet and drawers. The best thing about racks is that they can be put anywhere in the room. It can also be used as a decoration to add an urban vibe into your bedroom.

A rolling rack
Source: http://burstmagazine.tumblr.com/

2. Clothespin, pegs, and hooks are going to be your best friend if you want to effectively store some of your things.

A closet with clothespin
Source: http://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/904719/list/organizing-trick-hooks-for-hanging-clothes

3. You can also hang scarves or shoes to your closet’s door to truly maximize the space given to you.

A door of a closet
Source: http://thewaveswemake.se/mariaemb/?blogger=http://mariaemb.blogspot.com/2012/09/wardrobe.html

4. Combine storage units like shelves, dividers and drawers. This will also help you sort through your things, combine those that have similar functions, and make the closet look clean and efficient.

Drawers for your closet
Source: http://www.estiloydeco.com/como-hacer-que-tu-habitacion-luzca-mas-ordenada/

5. Open closets are also a thing these days. You can add a minimalist vibe to the whole bedroom by coming up with a simple wooden rack where you can store your beloved shirts, shoes, and even books.

Open closet
Source: http://www.decoist.com/2015-08-04/open-concept-closets-wardrobe/

6. Create small shelves that can effectively compartmentalize your things. It can also give your closet a very organize and stylish look.

Dividers and drawers for the closet
Source: http://www.bhg.com/decorating/closets/top-organizing-tips-for-closets/?sssdmh=dm17.718646&esrc=nwdc012214#

7. Do not forget another vital space in your room: the wall. Think of your wall as a mood board where you can pin your most precious clothes without creating any ruckus to the other parts of the room.

Clothes on the wall
Source: http://blog.fringed.nl/schoenen-en-kleding-opbergen/

8. Add extra hanging rods to the bottom of another hanging rod.

Two hanging rods
Source: http://www.myhomeideas.com/room-galleries/double-closet-rods

9. Put a closet underneath your loft. It can look like your own grand wardrobe without putting up too much space.

A closet under a loft
Source: http://www.homedit.com/loft-beds/

10. Go vertical. Use the utmost space available up to your ceiling. Use a ladder just in case you’re too small to reach those high places.

Use a ladder for your closet
Source: http://framefanatic.blogspot.com.es/2010/07/motivational-monday-walk-in-closet.html

Revamp your closet today. Enjoy organizing!