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Email Marketing: Why Sending Snail Mails Is Still Very Efficient

Technology is truly changing the way real estate agents do their work. Thanks to social media, spreading news about fresh listings and getting more attention about your business has never been easier. In just one click, you can reach hundreds to thousands of people and spread the word about the properties that you’re handling. It has completely invaded the world of real estate and not joining the trend may cause you many opportunities.

One of the most beneficial way to maximize your use of technology for your own gain is through email marketing. Yes, email marketing. Believe it or not, the good old snail mail has still some charm that can truly work if you want to generate sales from people who have good buying power. Below are some reasons why email marketing is still the most effective way to reach people:

Now that you know the benefits of email marketing, it’s time to discuss the tips and tricks on how you can execute your emails properly:

1. Be mobile friendly

Laptops and desktops are not the only devices that people use nowadays. According to research, 66% of users open their emails using their mobile phones and tablets. You have to make sure that the emails that you sent fit the screens of these devices so that your prospects will have a better time reading them.

2. Send on specific dates

According to studies, Wednesday and Thursdays are the best days to send out an email. Though this can be helpful, it’s still for the best if you test different days in a week, to figure out which day is the best for your niche market.

3. Email address do matter

Email addresses that has a name of a person in them generates more clicks than those that are named after a company. Readers feel that the email is more personal if it’s sent by an actual person. Personalize every email that you sent and you’ll definitely have more leads.

4. Use GIFs

Those soundless graphics that are always played on the loop can add fun and humor to your serious emails. It can also humanize the email that you just sent and increase your click rate.

5. Grow your email list

Though it is very important to send your previous clients email updates, you should also take time to find new prospects. Grab those email addresses while you can! You can ask your previous clients if they can give you a list of emails of interested people. Or, ask the visitors of your website (if you have one) to subscribe to your newsletter. You can also increase your email list by joining property portals.

Go out there and conquer the digital world! The great result may change your business forever!