Dot Property Philippines

The Must-Have Qualifications to Become a Real Estate Broker

In this day and age, anyone can become something they want to be. Provided that they do it with determination, hard work, and the tools that are needed to become what one wants to become. And this includes becoming a professional real estate broker.

All the available tools nowadays facilitate the access to this profession. There are plenty of courses, both offline and online, that one can enroll into to learn the tricks of the trade. But to become a true professional real estate broker, you need more than just learning and passing your course. In the Philippines, you need to pass the qualifications mandated by the Philippine Regulatory Commission or PRC.

What is the PRC?

Simply put, the PRC is a government organization created to regulate and supervise the practice of any profession here in the Philippines. In other words, one can’t become a true “professional” in his/her chosen career in the Philippines without the PRC’s approval. According to their official website, professional regulation has helped around 42 million registered professionals in the Philippines and will continue to do so for every aspiring professional aiming to get a license to practice their chosen profession. Therefore, if one wants to become a professional real estate broker, then he/she needs to get a license from PRC.

The Definition of a Professional Real Estate Broker and How to Become one

According to the PRC, there are around a dozen or more real estate professions that one can get a license for, but we will focus more on professional real estate brokers this time.

A professional real estate broker is a duly registered person who acts as an agent of a party in a real estate transaction. His/her role is to offer, advertise, solicit, list, mediate, promote, and negotiate both parties during a meeting on negotiating the terms and conditions for the sale or rent of a property.

In order to become a Professional Real Estate broker, you need to apply for your license and take an examination. Your application will then be reviewed by the Professional Regulatory Board of Real Estate Service. In order for the board to approve your license, you will need to pass the Licensure Examination and Registration, which is given by the Board. The scope of the examination are some of the following subjects:

For those who are not familiar with the subjects above, all of them can be learned by enrolling real estate courses in any school or college in the Philippines.

Failing to pass the Licensure Examination and Registration will automatically reject your license application for Professional Real Estate Broker.

Qualifications to become a Professional Real Estate Broker

You also need to present the proper documents prior your application for the Licensure Examination:

So for everyone out there who wants to become a professional real estate broker, you might want to jot down all the information above and save it on your phone or computer. Feel free to share it with your friends!