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10 Creative Plant Decoration Ideas

Looking for ways to level up your home? Then why don’t you try decorating with plants? Adding a little greenery into your home will not only put sophistication – it’s also a way to make the oxygen in your home cleaner and your living space a little bit more sustainable.

How hard is it to decorate your home with dashing plants? Surprisingly, it’s not that hard. You don’t need a green thumb to make nature happen in your home. Just a few tips and tricks and a knack of creation and you’ll be okay. Take a peek at different decoration ideas below and get inspired!

1. Pretty succulents


Succulents and cacti add charm to a simple space into your home. Mix and match these big and round plants together and put them on simple or neutral pots. Put greens and violets together to create a harmonious coloring that speaks fun and earthy.

2. Spice up your corner


Have no idea on what to put on the blank corner? Then why don’t you put a huge plant there. Plants are great space filler and a little splash of green won’t definitely hurt the whole design of your house. Opt for white vase to accentuate the color of your chosen plant.

3. Mason jars


Putting small plants on mason jars is a very flexible and cute idea. You can put them at the center of your dining table, on the corner of your study table. You can also put them against a cork board and hang it on the wall. This ingenious way is simply irresistible.

4. Hanging planters


Paintings can be overrated. Why not hang plants onto them? Hanging planters are also a great way to fill up the space on your wall. Or better yet hang them to the ceiling for the hippie urban feel that you’ve been dying to get into.

5. Plants in the bathroom


A bathroom is a private room where you should feel relax. Adding tons of greenery in this area will provide a chill mood to the whole room. Mix and match different plants together to get that imperfect yet busy vibe.

6. Colorful plots


To instantly put life to your plants put them in colorful or printer pots. Make sure that the pots are coordinated with each other so that it will look good to the eyes.

7. Stairway to heaven


Stairways are often filled with pictures and trophies of your loved ones. If you don’t want to join in the trend then why don’t you fill up your staircase with eye-catching plants.

8. A small tree


A small tree can be the centerpiece of an entryway or a living room. It adds an organic and original feel to the whole house making it more simple and intact.

9. Small plants on a china


Wondering what to do with those old china that your mother gave you? Turn them to a plant holder and you’ll certainly have a charming centerpiece.

10. Greenery on the kitchen island


Kitchen islands are not supposed to be boring. Glam up that space by putting up some hanging planters or putting small succulents at the center.

Do not forget to always check up on your plants. Take care of them and they’ll certainly bring back that’s something good to you.