Dot Property Philippines

Five tips on how to survive rainy season like a pro

It may be pouring rain outside, but don’t let the weather dampen your spirits.

Weather and Climate Information reports that the Philippines receives over 300 millimetres of rain in each month of July, August and September. August peaks at nearly 400 millimetres, and not to mention the majority of days in these months will be wet averaging 23 days of rain each month. That’s a lot of drear to handle, but with these five tips you’ll be equipped to handle the rainy weather and may even find a little slice of internal sunshine!

  1. Prepare your home. Before the rain even comes, make sure the roof over your head gets the maintenance TLC it needs. Start by inspecting your roof for any loose or damaged shingles that may need replacing. It is good practice to also clear your gutters of debris that has accumulated over time to allow water to efficiently flow away down the pipes as it should.
  1. Understand umbrella etiquette.First and foremost, understanding how to properly utilise your shield against the rain is imperative to social etiquette. Start by choosing an umbrella suitable for your size – a large golf umbrella is not necessary for a small framed individual. Like any tool, take caution when it’s in use: look to each side before opening your umbrella and whilst in use be sure to adjust the holding height accordingly based on other pedestrians you pass by.
  1. Waterproof your wardrobe. Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean you need to start wearing a plastic bag to remain untouched by rain droplets. There are trendy ways to arrive dry to your office in the morning. Add a long, water resistant trench coat to your wardrobe with an optional hood, this article is not only fashionable but the length will keep the majority of your outfit dry.  Another popular and functional wardrobe essential are “wellies,” rubber shoe styles created to trudge through waters unscathed yet still offer fashionable options for both men and women.
  1. Heighten your health standards.Your health should always be a main priority but with rainy season comes more cases of common colds, flus and Dengue Fever, so it’s important to place extra emphasis on your health to avoid illness. Up your daily vitamin C and water intake to help flush toxins and boost your immunity system to help fight against infections.
  1. Get cosy. Embrace the rainy weather and take advantage of this season to stay indoors to relax, try new hobbies and indulge in a daily warm drink, which will also maintain your body temperature and fight against colds per tip three.Start a new Netflix series, pull out old board games, puzzles and cards or get in touch with your artistic side whether it’s trying a new craft hobby or recipe in the kitchen.

So – don’t let the rainy weather get you down. Take our tips onboard to be prepared for the next downfall, and feel empowered whilst you sip on hot tea beneath your leak-free roof.