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8 Christmas lights safety tips

It’s already November which means Christmas decoarations such as Christmas lights will start spreading holiday cheer into our homes and streets. While Christmas lights are simply uplifting and beautiful, there are times when it can cause trouble when left unprotected. Before you start flipping the switch and dazzling the neighborhood with your brand new decorations, check out the quick list below on how to keep your Christmas lights safe.

Check the cords

Before installing the lights, make sure to check if there are any cracks or frayed ends that may result to sparks or fires.

Replace the old ones

If you think that your old Christmas lights are no longer working properly then it’s time to buy new ones. There are tons of quality Christmas lights available on malls and supermarkets. Buy Christmas lights that are approved by the DTI.

Double check the extensions

Overused extensions can cause trouble. Unplug the extensions when the Christmas lights are no longer in used. Touch the extension to see if it’s heating up. Unplug its immediately if it is getting warm.

Get a separate Christmas light for outdoors

Not all Christmas lights are created equally. Not all Christmas lights can be installed outdoors. Indoor lights have thinner insulation that can be harmful when exposed to outdoor heat and other elements. But an outdoor Christmas lights that will be more suitable outside.

Choose LED lights

LED lights are made of epoxy lenses making it more durable than glass made Christmas lights. These are also more environmental friendly.

Replace burnt out bulbs right away

Empty sockets can cause for the whole string to heat up. Replace damaged bulbs immediately to avoid fire.

Don’t use nails and staples

Avoid hanging your Christmas lights through nails and staples because these materials can create fire hazards. Opt for UL-approved hangers. These are available in supermarkets and hardware stores.